Zeenea Product

Zeenea offers a new generation data catalog focused on user experience. It enables easy discovery and understanding of data assets with maximum simplicity through automated features and customization of the application.

In this section of our blog, discover all you need to know about Zeenea and our product evolutions.

[Press Release] Zeenea launches its Enterprise Data Marketplace, revolutionizing Data Product Management

[Press Release] Zeenea launches its Enterprise Data Marketplace, revolutionizing Data Product Management

Paris, January 23, 2024 - Zeenea, a leader in metadata management and data discovery solutions, today ignites a ...
Zeenea Product Recap: A look back at 2023

Zeenea Product Recap: A look back at 2023

2023 was another big year for Zeenea. With more than 50 releases and updates to our platform, these past 12 months ...
Zeenea Revolutionizes Data Discovery with NLP Search – OpenAI Integration

Zeenea Revolutionizes Data Discovery with NLP Search – OpenAI Integration

Zeenea is happy to announce the integration of Natural Language Processing (NLP) search capabilities in our Data ...
BARC, the consulting firm, states Zeenea is The Adaptive Data Catalog

BARC, the consulting firm, states Zeenea is The Adaptive Data Catalog

Last week, we had the pleasure to read this statement done by BARC in their last briefing research: “Zeenea is the ...
How does Zeenea Data Catalog empower your data teams?

How does Zeenea Data Catalog empower your data teams?

Data has become one of the main drivers for innovation for many sectors.And as data continues to rapidly ...
Zeenea Data Catalog now connects to Snowflake!

Zeenea Data Catalog now connects to Snowflake!

Zeenea announces the launching of its Snowflake connector already up and running with its clients. In order to ...
Zeenea’s Fresh New Look: The right time to change!

Zeenea’s Fresh New Look: The right time to change!

For the past three years, we’ve been working alongside enterprises who wish to lift innovation barriers by ...
[Press Release] Zeenea launches its Enterprise Data Marketplace, revolutionizing Data Product Management

[Press Release] Zeenea launches its Enterprise Data Marketplace, revolutionizing Data Product Management

Paris, January 23, 2024 - Zeenea, a leader in metadata management and data discovery solutions, today ignites a ...
Zeenea Product Recap: A look back at 2023

Zeenea Product Recap: A look back at 2023

2023 was another big year for Zeenea. With more than 50 releases and updates to our platform, these past 12 months ...
Zeenea Revolutionizes Data Discovery with NLP Search – OpenAI Integration

Zeenea Revolutionizes Data Discovery with NLP Search – OpenAI Integration

Zeenea is happy to announce the integration of Natural Language Processing (NLP) search capabilities in our Data ...
BARC, the consulting firm, states Zeenea is The Adaptive Data Catalog

BARC, the consulting firm, states Zeenea is The Adaptive Data Catalog

Last week, we had the pleasure to read this statement done by BARC in their last briefing research: “Zeenea is the ...
How does Zeenea Data Catalog empower your data teams?

How does Zeenea Data Catalog empower your data teams?

Data has become one of the main drivers for innovation for many sectors.And as data continues to rapidly ...
Zeenea Data Catalog now connects to Snowflake!

Zeenea Data Catalog now connects to Snowflake!

Zeenea announces the launching of its Snowflake connector already up and running with its clients. In order to ...
Zeenea’s Fresh New Look: The right time to change!

Zeenea’s Fresh New Look: The right time to change!

For the past three years, we’ve been working alongside enterprises who wish to lift innovation barriers by ...
[Press Release] Zeenea launches its Enterprise Data Marketplace, revolutionizing Data Product Management

[Press Release] Zeenea launches its Enterprise Data Marketplace, revolutionizing Data Product Management

Paris, January 23, 2024 - Zeenea, a leader in metadata management and data discovery solutions, today ignites a ...
Zeenea Product Recap: A look back at 2023

Zeenea Product Recap: A look back at 2023

2023 was another big year for Zeenea. With more than 50 releases and updates to our platform, these past 12 months ...
Zeenea Revolutionizes Data Discovery with NLP Search – OpenAI Integration

Zeenea Revolutionizes Data Discovery with NLP Search – OpenAI Integration

Zeenea is happy to announce the integration of Natural Language Processing (NLP) search capabilities in our Data ...
BARC, the consulting firm, states Zeenea is The Adaptive Data Catalog

BARC, the consulting firm, states Zeenea is The Adaptive Data Catalog

Last week, we had the pleasure to read this statement done by BARC in their last briefing research: “Zeenea is the ...
How does Zeenea Data Catalog empower your data teams?

How does Zeenea Data Catalog empower your data teams?

Data has become one of the main drivers for innovation for many sectors.And as data continues to rapidly ...
Zeenea Data Catalog now connects to Snowflake!

Zeenea Data Catalog now connects to Snowflake!

Zeenea announces the launching of its Snowflake connector already up and running with its clients. In order to ...
Zeenea’s Fresh New Look: The right time to change!

Zeenea’s Fresh New Look: The right time to change!

For the past three years, we’ve been working alongside enterprises who wish to lift innovation barriers by ...
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Make data meaningful & discoverable for your teams
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