Zeenea hilft Data-Driven Companies zum Erfolg
Wie unsere Plattform es Unternehmen aus aller Welt ermöglicht, Datenbestände zu entdecken, zu verstehen und ihnen zu vertrauen.Was Kunden über Zeenea sagen
Martin ZÜRN
Head of Data Engineering
With Zeenea, we were able to centralize our analytics & BI data into a single solution. The data catalog design via the Studio app enabled data transparency and clarity in the documentation of our data assets, while the Explorer app enabled our end users to find the right data for their respective use cases via its data discovery features, which represented a big advantage for Lufthansa Cargo.
Bettina BERG
Data Architect
Lufthansa Cargo
What we value about Zeenea is their agility and the way their teams involve customers in managing the product roadmap, along with a very active user community for sharing best practices. On the technology side, it’s above all their compatibility with all clouds, especially AWS in our case, as well as the flexibility of their metamodel with the ability to create our own properties that best suit our context.
Head of Data Governance & Data Visualization Tools
SNCF Connect
We chose Zeenea’s data catalog solution after a thorough review of the solutions available on the market as it was perfect for Gewobag: it is available in German, it automatically connects and synchronizes metadata from all of our sources, and it is unrivaled in terms of flexibility and configurability of properties and metamodeling. In addition, the product’s user-friendliness seduced our data teams, and we hope that it will have the same recognition from the business users. Finally, we were accompanied by sales and support teams who carefully listened to us and adapted the product to our specific needs, right from the POC phase.
Daniela ZELMER
Data Management Team Leader
Zeenea and Stellantis have a very solid relationship. On the one hand, they provide the data catalog we needed, offering a pure experience for our end users: they log in to the platform and everything is cleaned, organized, and simple. On the other hand, Zeena’s teams are doing a fantastic job putting up with us, to meet our numerous requirements and challenges by always opening their hearts, sharing, and discussing with us.
Head of Data Governance
In our opinion, only the business functions can truly transform the company into a data driven company. Zeenea Data Catalog is the tool they need - efficient and usable - so that they are fully aware of the data they have available. It builds the bridge between business and data at Autostrade. From a business perspective, it is fast, complete, easy to understand, and user-friendly. Whereas from an IT perspective, it is agile, scalable, and continuously upgradeable.
Autostrade per l'Italia
Success Stories
Autostrade per l’Italia
Entdecken Sie, wie die Zeenea und ihr Datenkatalog es Autostrade per l'Italia ermöglicht haben, ihr Datenwissen zu nutzen.
Erfahren Sie, wie GEMA mit Zeenea das Datenmanagement dezentralisiert und Datenprodukte erstellt hat, um die Effizienz zu steigern.
Erfahren Sie, warum die Gewobag Zeenea gewählt hat, um den Zugang zu ihren Daten zu demokratisieren und Transparenz und Self-Service zu fördern.
Lufthansa Cargo
Erfahren Sie, warum Lufthansa Cargo die Zeenea Data Discovery Platform als Datenkataloglösung für ihre Geschäftsteams gewählt hat.
SNCF Connect
Erfahren Sie, wie SNCF Connect Zeenea einsetzt und dadurch Effizienzsteigerungen und ein besseres Verständnis der Daten für die Fachabteilungen erreicht.
Lesen Sie, wie Stellantis seine Data-Governance- und Compliance-Initiativen mithilfe des Zeenea Data Catalog gestärkt hat.
Testen Sie die Zeenea Data Discovery Platform selbst!
Melden Sie sich zu unserer Live Product Tour an, wählen Sie die Testumgebung, die am besten zu Ihrem Kontext passt (Manufacturing, Pharma, ESG, etc.) und erhalten Sie kostenlosen Zugang zur Zeenea Explorer Anwendung mit vorkonfigurierten Daten.
Los geht’s!
Geben Sie Ihren Daten einen Sinn
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