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The top 10 technology trends identified by Gartner that you can’t miss in 2023

February 5, 2023
February 5, 2023
05 February 2023

Each year, Gartner predicts the major technology trends for the upcoming year. These 10 technology trends draw up an uncompromising assessment of the most successful and promising innovations.

The 2023 edition highlights the technologies that address four key priorities: Optimizing resilience, scaling productivity, pioneering customer engagement, and becoming more sustainable.

The COVID-19 outbreak definitely accelerated the need for digital transformation. While 2022 should have been the year of a return to normality, new challenges emerged. Workplace changes and the challenge of attracting and retaining talent, have called into question the place of technology in many companies. The war in Ukraine, which has led to an explosion in energy costs and historic inflation in raw materials, has also pushed companies to make complex choices.

To overcome these difficulties, some companies are seeking to reduce their costs, while others are pursuing existing expansion plans. The latter are radically changing the direction of their business strategy. In all cases, the 10 technology trends identified by Gartner are likely to help organizations adapt.

Trend #1 – Digital Immune System: on the road to digital immunity


Guarantee the availability and trustworthiness of your enterprise’s tools and systems – this
is the concept of digital immunity. In fact, it’s about creating the conditions for flawless resilience by scrupulously ensuring that you deploy all the means to make your technological environment reliable.

Trend #2 – Applied observability at the service of data intelligence


Gartner analysts consider observable data to be one of the most valuable assets of the enterprise. Applied observability is the foundation for developing a data intelligence strategy. Data intelligence that makes sense by getting as close as possible to business uses. In short, applied observability is first and foremost about anchoring data in field uses.

Trend #3 – AI TriSM: between transparency and control


As the world becomes more digital and one crisis follows another, there is a natural distrust that is developing in all parts of society – regarding digital technologies in general and data in particular. One of the key trends identified by Gartner is the need for transparency in the use of data and the use of artificial intelligence. The challenge: building a foundation of trust to reinforce the acceptability of AI and data.

Trend #4 – Industry Cloud Platforms: toward cloud verticalization


Combine IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS by tailoring them to compose a set of functionalities and features for a given business. In other words, the Industry Cloud Platform is a trend that is already well established and offers more operational cloud solutions that are more rooted in business uses.

Trend #5 – The era of platforms or Platform Engineering


What if the answer to your quest for productivity was to use self-service tools to automate a large number of tasks? The idea: build seamless platforms that allow the sharing of reusable tools and functionality. With Platform Engineering, your teams can have free and transparent access to a range of tools and features that are essential to accelerate workflows.

Trend #6 – Wireless-Value Realization: generate more value


IoT, 5G, WiFi 7, or even satellite connectivity…, Gartner has stated: wireless connectivity carries with it the ability to develop new services while delivering on the promise of reducing operational costs for businesses.

Trend #7 – Superapps: so much more than apps


An app that would concentrate the functional potential of several apps to offer a service and an overall experience. For Gartner, Superapps carry the seeds of tremendous potential by bringing together an app, a platform, and an ecosystem all at once.

Trend #8 – Adaptive AI: ever more agile


Forget about fixed algorithmic models for good! For Gartner, artificial intelligence will now be adaptive. In other words, to enhance the quality of AI, it will have to be more flexible and the models rethought and adapted continuously and in real-time for more relevance.

Trend #9 – The Metaverse: can (still) do better


Despite the setbacks of Meta and the lack of operational answers, Gartner still considers the metaverse as a technology with great potential, even though they stress that metaverses should be considered “It is a combinatorial innovation made up of multiple technology themes and capabilities”. So a technology still in the making!

Trend #10 – Sustainable technology: a groundswell


After a record-breaking year in 2022 in terms of weather and climate, it’s no surprise that Gartner ranks sustainable technology as one of the key areas of focus for 2023. Sustainability ranks technologies in a more cross-functional dimension within companies and must contribute to reducing the carbon footprint of IT.

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At Zeenea, we work hard to create a data fluent world by providing our customers with the tools and services that allow enterprises to be data driven.

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Chez Zeenea, notre objectif est de créer un monde “data fluent” en proposant à nos clients une plateforme et des services permettant aux entreprises de devenir data-driven.

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Das Ziel von Zeenea ist es, unsere Kunden "data-fluent" zu machen, indem wir ihnen eine Plattform und Dienstleistungen bieten, die ihnen datengetriebenes Arbeiten ermöglichen.

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