record year for zeenea 2021

[PRESS RELEASE] Record Year for Zeenea: triple-digit growth and a strong international expansion

May 3, 2021
May 3, 2021
03 May 2021

Paris, May 3rd, 2021.

Zeenea, the Next-Gen Data Catalog provider is proud to announce triple-digit growth and a strong international expansion.

“Our unique features, such as our SaaS native platform, our Universal Connectivity, our Knowledge Graph for dealing with complex ontologies as well as the launch of Zeenea Explorer, has given us a strong competitive edge over more traditional Data Catalog providers.

We are beating our competitors and replacing them onsite because our Data Catalog is modern, easy to use, easy to implement, and easy to scale”

Guillaume Bodet

CEO , Zeenea

Zeenea’s international expansion only began in 2020, and the data catalog provider already managed to acquire customers in 10 different countries.

“With flags in the US, UK, Germany, Scandinavian countries, the Netherlands and South Africa, we have demonstrated that our SaaS model facilitates considerably rapid international expansion.

Our platform is not specific to any industry and we are proud to cater for customers in the following industries: Banks, Insurances, Manufacturing, Retail, Pharmaceuticals, Software, Media and Gaming” 

Luc Legardeur

VP International Operations, Zeenea

Zeeena has signed, amongst others, with prestigious brands such as Natixis, BMW and Kering.



About Zeenea 

Zeenea is the Cloud-native Data Catalog that helps companies accelerate their data initiatives. Our cloud-based platform offers a reliable and comprehensible database available with maximum simplicity and automaticity. In just a few clicks, you can find, discover, govern, and manage your company’s information. What makes Zeenea’s platform unique is that we offer a data catalog with two different user experiences to democratize data access for all.

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At Zeenea, we work hard to create a data fluent world by providing our customers with the tools and services that allow enterprises to be data driven.

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Chez Zeenea, notre objectif est de créer un monde “data fluent” en proposant à nos clients une plateforme et des services permettant aux entreprises de devenir data-driven.

Zeenea Actian Logo

Das Ziel von Zeenea ist es, unsere Kunden "data-fluent" zu machen, indem wir ihnen eine Plattform und Dienstleistungen bieten, die ihnen datengetriebenes Arbeiten ermöglichen.

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