Business Person Afraid Of A Big Monster Claw Shadow Concept

Don’t let these 4 Data Nightmares scare you – Zeenea is here to help

February 19, 2023
February 19, 2023
19 February 2023

You wake up with your heart pounding. Your feet are trembling – Just moments ago you were being chased by thousands of scary, poor, inaccurate, and incorrect data from your sources. As data professionals, we’ve all been there. And Data Nightmares feel all too real while experiencing them.

No worries – Zeenea is here to help! In this article, discover the most common data nightmares and how our data discovery platform acts as a dream catcher for your data terrors.

Nightmare #1 – Data is stuck in silos


You have reports to build, yet, the information you seek is locked away, inaccessible, and gate kept by scary bodyguards. Moreover, the people who have the key are unknown or worse, gone from the organization – making it impossible for you to access the data you need for your business use cases!

How Zeenea wakes you up: Our platform provides a single source of truth for your enterprise information – it centralizes and unifies your metadata from all your various sources, and makes it available to everyone in the organization. With Zeenea, data knowledge is no longer limited to a group of experts, boosting collaboration, increasing productivity, and maximizing data value.

Discover our Data Catalog

Nightmare #2 – Data is unreliable


You’re looking through your enterprise data assets and you don’t like what you see. The data is duplicated (even tripled or quadrupled), it is incomplete – or empty – obsolete, and you don’t even know where it comes from or what it is linked to… The nightmare? The long hours of data documentation that are waiting for you.

How Zeenea wakes you up: For data managers to always deliver complete, trustworthy, and quality information to their teams, Zeenea provides flexible and adaptive metamodel templates for predefined and custom data assets. Automatically import or build your assets’ documentation templates by simply dragging and dropping the properties, tags, and other fields that need to be documented for your business use cases.

⭐️ Bonus: Documentation templates can be modified whenever you want – Zeenea automatically updates existing templates with your modifications, saving you time on your documentation initiatives.

Discover our data documentation app

Nightmare #3 – Data is misunderstood


You were asked to find trends and patterns in order to offer more personalized experiences for your customers. However, when searching for your information, you come across multiple terms… which one is it? The people in the sales department use the term ‘client’, the Customer Success teams use ‘customer’, but over in IT they employ the term ‘user’. Without a clear business vocabulary, you are kept in the dark about your data!

How Zeenea wakes you up: Our Business Glossary enables the creation and sharing of a consistent data language across all people within the organization. Easily import or create your enterprise business terms, add a description, tags, associated contacts, and any other properties that are relevant to your use cases. Our unique Business Glossary features provide a unique place for data managers to create their categories of semantic concepts, organize them in hierarchies, and configure the way glossary items are mapped with technical assets.

Discover our Business Glossary

Nightmare #4 – Data is not compliant

With the increasing amount of data regulations that are being imposed, data security and governance initiatives have become a major priority for data-driven enterprises. Indeed, the consequences of non-conformity are very severe – large fines, reputational damage… enough to keep you from sleeping well at night.

How Zeenea wakes you up: Zeenea guarantees regulatory compliance by automatically identifying, classifying, and managing personal data assets at scale. Through smart recommendations, our platform detects personal information and gives suggestions on which assets to tag – ensuring that information on data policies and regulations is well communicated to all data consumers within the organization in their daily activities.

Discover how we support Data Compliance

Start the data journey of your dreams with Zeenea!

If you’re interested in Zeenea for your data initiatives, contact us for a 30-minute personalized demo with one of our data experts.

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At Zeenea, we work hard to create a data fluent world by providing our customers with the tools and services that allow enterprises to be data driven.

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Chez Zeenea, notre objectif est de créer un monde “data fluent” en proposant à nos clients une plateforme et des services permettant aux entreprises de devenir data-driven.

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Das Ziel von Zeenea ist es, unsere Kunden "data-fluent" zu machen, indem wir ihnen eine Plattform und Dienstleistungen bieten, die ihnen datengetriebenes Arbeiten ermöglichen.

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