Zeenea Exchange - Démocratisation des données en entreprise

A look back at the 2nd edition of the Zeenea Exchange: a round table dedicated to the democratization of data

June 30, 2022
June 30, 2022
30 June 2022

On June 23rd 2022, we gathered our French-speaking customers for the second edition of our event “Zeenea Exchange” – a round table dedicated to Zeenea Data Catalog users.

Let’s look back at this half-day of rich experiences around the topic of data democratization.


What is the Zeenea Exchange?


The Zeenea Exchange is a new place for data experts to meet and share their experiences. Although the event primarily focuses on Zeenea users, it is not intended to to be centered on data cataloging. Its purpose is to bring together data experts from various organizations so that they can exchange on a common challenge and share best practices to overcome those obstacles.

This second edition was a hybrid event, both at the ChâteauForm Monceau Velasquez in the 8th arrondissement of Paris and online for the participants who could not be present. In-person attendees were then able to enjoy lunch at the venue. 


The main topic of this edition: data democratization


The topic of this second edition was “Have you managed to democratize data access in your company?”. Data representatives from a dozen of companies of all sizes and sectors, including retail, automotive, banking, services, and the public sector attended. The round table was led by David Martin, Head of Customer Success at Zeenea, and Arnaud Col, Director of Innovation and Data Manager at Ippon Technologies.


Different contexts but common challenges


Similarly to our first exchange in October 2021, participants quickly realized that they all face the same challenges when it comes to opening up access to enterprise data to their peers. Here are the main topics that were discussed:

> The actions and initiatives already put in place to democratize data,

> The obstacles to the democratization of data,

> The challenges of data ownership and security,

> The importance of internal communication and the tools that help promote the documentation and sharing of data.

Following the success of this second edition, we wish to continue to organize other Zeenea Exchange gatherings around new topics, as well as include our international partners. If you wish to join our community or if you wish to launch a metadata management project, contact us now!


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At Zeenea, we work hard to create a data fluent world by providing our customers with the tools and services that allow enterprises to be data driven.

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Chez Zeenea, notre objectif est de créer un monde “data fluent” en proposant à nos clients une plateforme et des services permettant aux entreprises de devenir data-driven.

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Das Ziel von Zeenea ist es, unsere Kunden "data-fluent" zu machen, indem wir ihnen eine Plattform und Dienstleistungen bieten, die ihnen datengetriebenes Arbeiten ermöglichen.

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