Product Release

July 2021 Zeenea Product Spotlight

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Welcome back to our product updates blog! Here’s a rundown of the new features you can now take advantage of. 

Our newest features:

Enrich (even more!) your datasets’ and visualizations’ descriptions

Enrich your datasets’ and visualizations’ descriptions! It is now possible to import rich source descriptions containing clickable external links, various text formats (such as bold, italic, underlined), bullet points, etc.

What does this mean? This means that not only do your Curators gain an enormous amount of time in documenting their assets, but it also allows your end users to have a more optimal browsing experience and faster access to external content. 

Enrich descriptions in zeenea!

Business Glossary Exploration in Zeenea Explorer

Do you need data but don’t know what systems it’s stored in? Or you don’t know what data is available? Explore your data assets from the glossary in Zeenea Explorer! Use your company’s business terms to find the assets that match them.

Quickly browse your initial glossary and easily identify the business terms for which data sets are available with one click by activating the filter provided.

Export your catalog items to an Excel file

In Zeenea Studio, it is now possible to select the items of your choice and export all of their documentation to an Excel file (.xls).

This allows Data Stewards to easily modify and reupload updates of this file into the catalog.

export excel files in zeenea studio!

New connectors!

Zeenea can now connect to:

kafka x zeenea

Organizations today increasingly rely on real-time data analysis for faster insights and quicker response times. Real-time insights allow enterprises to make predictions about what they should stock, promote, or remove, based on the most up-to-date information possible. To respond to this demand, Kafka was born!

Created at Linkedin, Kafka was originally designed to track the behavior of visitors to large websites. By analyzing the clickstream data of every session, businesses are able to have a greater understanding of user behavior. Today, Kafka has become widely used, and it is an integral part of the stack at Spotify, Netflix, Uber, Goldman Sachs, etc,  which all use it to process streaming data and understand customer behavior. 

Identify, collect and document the patterns of your Kafka topics in just a few minutes!

microstrategy x zeenea

MicroStrategy is an enterprise business intelligence (BI) application software vendor. MicroStrategy’s platform supports interactive dashboards, scorecards, highly formatted reports, ad hoc queries, and automated report distribution. 

MicroStrategy runs on ROLAP (Relational- Online Analytical Processing) that allows users to drill down to the required data anywhere in the entire database that is a relational Db. 

Model your Microstrategy files and associated datasets in Zeenea to further control and leverage your ecosystem.

dbt x zeenea

dbt (data build tool) is a command line tool that enables data analysts and engineers to transform data in their warehouses more effectively. 

More precisely, dbt does the T in ELT (Extract, Load, Transform) processes – it doesn’t extract or load data, but transforms it. 

Connect your dbt data to Zeenea ! With this new connector, you can now define your data transformations and objects under a single model and in a single catalog. 

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