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Data Mesh

What is a data lakehouse?

What is a data lakehouse?

For organizations seeking to go further in their data collection, storage, and use, a data lakehouse is a perfect ...
What are Industry Cloud Platforms?

What are Industry Cloud Platforms?

With 60% of enterprise data now stored in the Cloud, and companies around the world turning to Cloud solutions to ...
Everything you need to know about Platform Engineering

Everything you need to know about Platform Engineering

To meet the challenges of your business, are you searching for a solution that enables a more available, scalable ...
Don’t let these 4 Data Nightmares scare you – Zeenea is here to help

Don’t let these 4 Data Nightmares scare you – Zeenea is here to help

You wake up with your heart pounding. Your feet are trembling - Just moments ago you were being chased by ...
Everything you need to know about data warehouses

Everything you need to know about data warehouses

No one doubts anymore that data has become one of the most strategic assets for a company. Competitiveness, ...
The state of data access in data-driven enterprises – BARC Data Culture Survey 23

The state of data access in data-driven enterprises – BARC Data Culture Survey 23

Zeenea is a proud sponsor of BARC’s Data Culture Survey 23. Get your free copy here.In last year’s BARC Data ...
The top 10 technology trends identified by Gartner that you can’t miss in 2023

The top 10 technology trends identified by Gartner that you can’t miss in 2023

Each year, Gartner predicts the major technology trends for the upcoming year. These 10 technology trends draw up ...
Everything you need to know about databases

Everything you need to know about databases

If we often talk about databases as a unique and monolithic set of information, they are in fact quite the ...
4 best practices for your ESG data strategy

4 best practices for your ESG data strategy

Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) is a central topic for CDOs, CFOs, and data managers. In this ...
Implementing a Data Culture: achievements, priorities & obstacles for data-driven enterprises – BARC Data Culture Survey 23

Implementing a Data Culture: achievements, priorities & obstacles for data-driven enterprises – BARC Data Culture Survey 23

Zeenea is a proud sponsor of BARC’s Data Culture Survey 23. Get your free copy here.In last year’s BARC Data ...
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