Data Quality

Increase data trust by instantly viewing data quality indicators from the discovery phase

Zeenea automatically synchronizes with your data quality solutions, enabling your users to view their datasets’ quality metrics from the discovery phase of their data use cases.

Our platform helps organizations make better business decisions by enabling data users to quickly detect and take action on a dataset’s quality to uncover its trustworthiness before an issue arises.

Zeenea Explorer Dataset Quality Check
Graph Data Quality

The benefits of Zeenea’s Data Quality capabilities

Connect Icon Black

Connect to all your DQM solutions

A Solution That Is Simple To Integrate Easy To Use And Deploy

Accelerate quality detection

Icon Blue Data Trust

Ensure data trustworthiness

Icon Red Avoid Risk

Avoid data risks

Connect to any data quality management (DQM) solution in seconds

Zeenea uses GraphQL and knowledge graph technologies to provide a flexible approach to integrating best-of-breed data quality solutions into our catalog. Sync the datasets of your third-party DQM tools via simple API operations. Our powerful Catalog API capabilities will automatically update any modifications made in your tool directly within our platform.

Data Quality Connect Api
Zeenea Explorer Research Dataset
Zeenea Explorer Lineage Dataset

Identify trustworthy data at a glance

Zeenea signals a dataset’s trustworthiness directly in the search results page as well as in the lineage graph to enable users to know if it is safe to use. Just as traffic lights on the road, our intuitive quality indicator guides data users on the status of their datasets while navigating their catalog.

Easily view your data quality metrics

With Zeenea, easily visualize your quality metrics via a user-friendly graph. Instantly identify the quality checks that were performed, their quantity, and if they passed, failed, or issued warnings. Get more information on the checks by visualizing a more detailed table with information such as their descriptions, last evaluation dates, and more.

Graph Data Quality
Zeenea Explorer Data Quality Checks

Go even further in your quality discovery

To get even more information on your dataset’s quality metrics, Zeenea enables you to directly view the selected dataset in your third-party DQM solution’s dashboard. Our end-to-end connectivity helps your users save time in their data quality journey by providing a place to find, trust, and utilize data in just a few clicks.

E-Book - A guide to Data Quality Management


Find out more about Data Quality

Zeenea Product Recap: A look back at 2023

Zeenea Product Recap: A look back at 2023

2023 was another big year for Zeenea. With more than 50 releases and updates to our platform, these past 12 months were filled with lots of new and improved ways to unlock the value of your enterprise data assets. Indeed, our teams consistently work on features that simplify and enhance the daily lives of your data and business teams.In this article, we’re thrilled to share with you some of our favorite features from 2023 that enabled our ...

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